5 research outputs found

    Sexual dimorphism from vertebrae: its potential use for sex estimation in an identified Portuguese sample.

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    In archaeological and medicolegal contexts, sex estimation is a crucial parameter for personal identification. However, it can be a complex task if the skeletal remains are damaged or fragmented. For this reason, it is important to establish reliable methodologies and techniques using alternative sexually dimorphic anatomical regions other than pelvic and skull, such as vertebrae. The purpose of the current study was to evaluate the level of sexual dimorphism of first, second and seventh cervical and twelfth thoracic vertebrae from the Coimbra Identified Skeletal Collection of the University of Coimbra (Portugal) and to develop logistic regression equations for sex estimation based on metric data from these vertebrae. The sample comprised 73 individuals (38 males and 35 females) with a mean age of 50.10 卤 18.34 years. Eleven multivariate logistic regression equations were developed with accuracy rates between 80.0% and 92.5%. The first cervical vertebra demonstrated to be useful for sex diagnosis when more sexually dimorphic anatomical regions (i.e., pelvis and skull) are not available or suitable for analysis.pre-print325 K

    T茅cnicas de determinaci贸n del sexo a partir del cr谩neo en una poblaci贸n mediterr谩nea actual

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    Tesis Univ. Granada. Programa Oficial de Doctorado en: Evoluci贸n Humana, Antropolog铆a F铆sica y Forens

    Sex estimation in a contemporary Spanish population: cranial and dental anthropometry.

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    Sex estimation of skeletal remains is an essential step in the reconstruction of the biological pro铿乴e of unknown individuals in medico-legal death investigations and archaeological contexts. However, the skeletons are often incomplete. When the pelvis is absent, the skull is widely considered to be the second-best indicator of sex. However, debate persists, and there is evidence that postcranial bones have more discriminatory power than the cranium. The present study was undertaken to determine the accuracy and reliability of a combination of skull and dental measurements for sex estimation in comparison with the cranial and dental methods separately, and to provide evidence as to whether the combination of these cranial measurements is more effective than postcranial bones alone for estimating sex when the pelvis is not available. The study sample comprised 70 individuals from the San Jos茅 cemetery in Granada (Spain). Thirty cranial measurements and 44 dental measurements were examined using logistic regression analyses. These data showed that the combination of neurocranial and maxillary canine measurements provide the key dimensions as significant predictors of sex in this sample. For the pooled sexes, the overall correct sex allocation accuracies ranged from 76.0% to 92.3%. The present study shows that when using metric data, there is no evidence that the skull measures are better than those of the postcranial bones to estimate the sex. Only the combination of skull and maxillary canine measures provide similar sex discriminatory power to those of the postcranial skeleton.pre-print732 K

    Educaci贸n inclusiva en la universidad: mujeres pioneras en ciencias sociales y jur铆dicas

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    This paper presents the results of a cross-discipline gender equality proposal involving first year students from Criminology, Marketing, Law and Business Administration and Management degrees. It is a cooperative work project that promotes visibility for relevant women in each degree course. This activity comprises four phases: 1) a questionnaire to determine how much students know about inspirational women in their field of specialisation; 2) each group selects one of the ten women proposed for each degree course, and make a poster about her career; 3) poster exhibition; and 4) assessment of the knowledge acquired through a questionnaire. The results of this project demonstrate increased motivation and student knowledge regarding thewomen selected in their respective professional areas.En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de una propuesta transversal en igualdad de g茅nero dirigida al alumnado de primero de Criminolog铆a, Marketing, Derecho y Administraci贸n y Direcci贸n de Empresas. Un proyecto de trabajo cooperativo que promueve la visibilidad de mujeres relevantes en cada grado. Esta actividad se desarrolla en cuatro fases: 1) realizaci贸n de un cuestionario para determinar el nivel de conocimientos que tienen los discentes sobre mujeres referentes en su especialidad; 2) selecci贸n por grupos de una de las diez mujeres propuestas en cada grado, y elaboraci贸n de un p贸ster con su vida profesional; 3) exposici贸n de los p贸sters; y 4) evaluaci贸n de los conocimientos adquiridos a trav茅s de un cuestionario. Los resultados de este proyecto ponen de manifiesto un aumento en el grado de motivaci贸n y en el conocimiento del alumnado en relaci贸n con las mujeres seleccionadas en sus respectivas 谩reas profesionales